6.14.18 - Not at Starry Nights, the event, but a very starry night.
6.9.18 - Taken at Veritas Vineyard's Starry Nights concert before the night became starry.
6.13.17 - I watched the sun slowly recede across the prairie until it disappeared below the horizon. This dead piñon tree nicely framed the sunset against these towering dunes at the base of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. Believe it or not, the dunes themselves are pretty massive, some at over 700 feet tall.
6.12.17 - I've got a couple quick moments in Boulder to back up photos and to do a little bit of light editing. A lot of the better images I'm so excited about, I'm actually slightly terrified of editing on my laptop on the road, so those will have to wait until I'm home.I was lucky enough to stumble upon a secluded town of prairie dogs in the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge. They were so inquisitive the entire hour I spent photographing them. These guys are even cuter in person than they are in the nature documentaries and on TV!