Posts tagged Fall
Devil's Bathtub

11.3.18 - This was a frigid fall morning in Southwest Virginia. I thought I might take a quick dip in this natural limestone bathtub, just to say I had, but it was a crisp 35º on the hike up, and that mountain water was cold enough on my feet and ankles. I'd guess even in the middle of summer this water is still frigid. Oddly enough, I stayed vertical when I had no right to on the slick descent into this bowl, but I busted my ass and camera a few miles later on the final easy river crossing before getting back to the car.

Blackrock Summit

10.6.18 - I woke up at 5:00 on consecutive days to get into the mountains for sunrise at Blackrock. The first day the clouds had the mountain socked in and never let up. This morning I wasn't able to see the sun crest the horizon at daybreak, but the clouds burned off within an hour, leaving me a vista all to myself.