Posts tagged Iceland
Jökulsárlón Sunrise

6.15.16 - I'm finishing up editing photos from the summer and I can't stop posting shots from Jökulsárlón. These three are from the sunrise (around 3:00 AM). Although cloud cover was heavy, the sunlight broke through for just a few minutes, giving some distinct and rapidly changing colors in the clouds, before fading back into obscurity. The first two photos are taken from the same spot, just minutes apart as the light shifted.Jökulsárlón-jokulsarlon-iceland-black-sand-beach-sunrise-sunset-iceberg-ice-glacier-glacial-lagoon-1Jökulsárlón-jokulsarlon-iceland-black-sand-beach-sunrise-sunset-iceberg-ice-glacier-glacial-lagoon-2Jökulsárlón-jokulsarlon-iceland-black-sand-beach-sunrise-sunset-iceberg-ice-glacier-glacial-lagoon-3

Lupine Meadow

6.15.16 - One thing I love about Iceland is the sheer beauty of the entire country. The Ring Road, or Route 1, circles the perimeter of the country, taking travelers from one spectacle to the next. But inbetween the major sights, the landscape is still awe-inspiring. This photo was taken at a simple pulloff in the middle of nowhere, but it depicts how much of the countryside looks. The seemingly endless fields of lupines cover the landscape, all the way to the staggering mountains and glaciers.iceland-ring-road-route-1-lupine-glacier


6.15.16 - I’ve got some time to kill in the airport in Oslo, so I’m beginning to dump photos to my computer - almost 30 GB so far, with eight more days to go. Here’s my first quick edit from the past nine crazy days.It’s hard to explain how strange (and incredible) Jökulsárlón is. There’s a glacial lagoon fed by calving icebergs from an expansive glacier. All night slipping and cracking ice can be heard thundering into the lagoon. The icebergs are huge and they’re a milky, glowing blue sort of hue. As they float to sea, they gradually melt. When any remnants hit the Atlantic Ocean, they’re almost immediately pushed back up onto the beach by waves. At this point they disintegrate from massive blue icebergs to tiny, perfectly transparent figures of glass-like ice. The beach is littered with these little fragments. Strange, right? Then add in the fact that the beach is made entirely of jet black volcanic sand and the sun never sets in June - it’s a truly bizarre set of occurrences that make this place so unique. Unfortunately it was mostly clouded over when I was there, but I still got some incredible photos - this one was taken at 3:30 AM after the sunrise. I already can’t wait to get back to this otherworldly place!jokulsarlon-iceland-iceberg-black-sand