Fox Kit

5.10.19 - Funny how much these guys sometimes resemble cats and sometimes resemble dogs depending on the angle from which they're viewed.

Foxfield Sunset

5.27.19 - The clouds didn't pop like I was hoping for, but the sun dipping below the mountains cast a warm, sublime light over Foxfield. Although this is a downsized version of a massive panorama, it's still big enough to click to view larger.

Lone Fisherman

5.5.19 - The sunset didn't quite blow up like I was hoping for, but this lone fisherman proved a new and interesting focal point in this scene I've shot dozens of times.

Red Fox

5.2.19 - I spent many hours searching for this guy, and I even got a fleeting glimpse a week ago, but it wasn't until tonight that he paused long enough for me to get a quick shot of him. I'm desperately searching for kits to photograph this spring before they grow up. Please let me know if you're aware of any dens near you!
