Posts tagged Colorado River
Grand Canyon Sunrise

6.20.17 - "The city seen from the Queensboro Bridge is always the city seen for the first time, in its first wild promise of all the mystery and the beauty in the world." - F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great GatsbyWhile I don't share Fitzgerald's affinity for New York City, or cities in general, I feel the same promise whenever I catch sunrise on the Grand Canyon.

Dawn At Horseshoe Bend

6.27.15 - I enjoyed a few hours of early morning solitude watching the sunrise over the Colorado River. It's an incredible viewpoint, perched on a 1,000 foot vertical cliff above the river. Because the sun rises from behind this overlook, it creates some harsh contrast on the canyon and bend. Compare the photo I posted from my phone in June (here) with a photo from my camera. The pre-sunrise photo posted below was taken at 5:00 AM, about an hour earlier than the sunrise photo in the link above. Usually I prefer photos with some contrast and warmth, but I think the cold, blue tones of the dawn photo are incredible here.Horseshoe-Bend-Green-River